Sunday, August 5, 2012

Screen Printed Tea Towels

Even though I haven't posted anything on this blog for a long time, I have still been creative, I just haven't taken the time to upload images.  So, this is a long overdue post, but my second attempt at screen printing assisted by my sister was a little more sophisticated.  We made some tea towels which ended up looking terrific (I think anyway). We ordered them in bulk from Linen Line and they cost about $2 each I think for great quality linen tea towels. 

We cut the screenprinting images out of thin acetate sheet (I bought it in a packet of 20 from Officeworks), which stuck pretty well to the screen (we didn't have any bleeding problems).  Using acetate rather than paper meant that we could keep our designs, and do them in different colours, without having to recut every time.  It was very successful.

 Our only drama was with setting the paint.  When we ironed it some got on the iron and with the red for example, the material became a little pinkish around the print.  I am not sure if we can set the paint in the oven or dryer, but next time if I iron, I will not iron direcly onto the paint.