Sunday, August 5, 2012

Knitted Tea Cosy

As part of our second hand and home made christmas, my sister and I screenprinted t-shirts for the kids and I made skirts for the girls.  My aunty made necklaces for the kids out of fimo.  My brother-in-law made florentines. My dad made me some fly screens for my windows (very practical).

It was lovely to get stuff that either people knew you really needed and had searched for or something that they had made with love. We are planning to do it again this year.  My Nanna who is 90 is already on the job, and has knitted dishcloths for everyone (I also did these this year, but she is doing much bigger ones - she has more patience than me).  I am looking forward to a larger one, we all agreed that they are terrific - the ones I made are still going strong 8 months later and I use them every day.

I bought my sisters a second hand teapot each, and knitted them a tea cosy to go with it.  I used a number of different elements out of the books 'Tea Cozies 1' and 'Tea Cozies 2' and 'Really Wild Tea Cosies', which I borrowed from the library.  So, if anyone has a need for knitted roses and knitted leaves, I am the girl!