Thursday, August 16, 2012

Art for All 2012 - My Chair

Given that I am at home looking after the kids, I figure it is a great time to be volunteering.  

This year I am helping organise our annual art show Art for All

I am really enjoying getting into organising something and making an event happen. It is just 3 weeks away, on the 8-9 September, and some fabulous artists are going to be part of it, and we have a great day of kids activities planning for the Sunday, so I am very excited about it all.
The chair as I found it on
the side of the road.
As I am trying to tick things off my list, I have actually made my chair for the annual Chair Auction on the Opening Night nice and early this year. 

I found this chair on the side of the road in Northcote, it was a little worse for wear!

Since then I have re-padded it, sanded it, put new shellac on, and recovered it with a lovely Australian themed table cloth. 

I hope someone bids on it!