Saturday, February 19, 2011

Finally ... you can tell it is a wooden sink

We have been away for nearly all of January, relaxing at the beach, and I came home with a new enthusiasm for organising my house.  Last week I finally hung the pictures in my loungeroom, and also fixed up our outdoor sink.

The sink used to be painted cream to match the house, and was covered with paint and splashes and dirt.  I have now stripped back the old timber sink surround and waxed it, and I have repainted the cupboard gloss black to match the gully trap which I painted a few months ago. I forgot to take a photo before I started, so it is hard to understand the difference, but since this blog is about  documenting my projects, I thought I would include a photo of the finished project for my own sake.

Given that this sink has hot and cold taps that hoses can be attached to, I am now on the look out for a suitable outside bath.  Just before we bought this house I found a fantastic claw foot bath for $50, but gave it to my sister for her garden ... I think about it all the time ...

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