Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fairy toadstools

Yesterday I went to Ikea and bought some plastic coated red material with white polka dots.  I also bought some 35cm square pillow inserts.  I woke up this morning at 6.30am and fitted in a bit of sewing before the kids emerged for the day.  I have made 4 fairy toadstool cushions to sit on top of the logs out in the garden. 
The kids are now dressed as fairies, and with their dolls in tow, are enthusiastically playing imaginary fairy toadstool games.  My oldest is keen to use the cushions for musical toadstools at her next birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. hi,
    i want to know
    sorry for my english, i'am french
    how did you do to fix the materiel to the wood with tack?
    thank you
