Monday, May 16, 2011

Picture Framing

I have recently been framing pictures that I have collected.  I bought two paintings from second hand markets.  They both now look lovely in new frames. 

I also framed some of my daughters art work from kinder - which is a long overdue task.  I picked up the black frames from a school fete (a great find), and the white frames are from Ikea.  The thing I learnt this week (from my sister) was how the cut the mats. 

It is actually all very straight forward, and as long as you have the equipment (which I borrowed from my sister) and can measure correctly, then it is easy.  You just need to make sure the blade is sharp!  So, hopefully soon all my pictures in my house will have lovely mats.  But first I may have to do another trip out to Reverse Garbage with the hope that they have more mat cardboard (I saw some there last time I went - why pay full price if you can utilise someone's offcuts).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fancy a cuppa? It's all in the packaging ...

More ideas for things to make ...

Some fun mugs packaged with camomile tea

Body lotion in a fabulous brown glass bottle

Delicious smelling rock salt and rosemary

Bath Tea Bags

This week I have again been on the job for the school's Mothers Day Stall. I have made bath tea bags using a recipe from the home life website.    I have then sewn little calico bags to look like tea bags and filled them up with the mix of oats, epsom salts, rose petals and essential oils.  They look quite lovely I think.